Educational Background

Primary Education

I started my Primary education at West View Primary School.
There, I have discovered my interest in IT when I first joined the school's Inforcomm Technology Club when I was Primary 3. During my 4 years stint in the ICT Club, I learnt numerous things related to IT such as photoshop and website making. But as I became the senior of my CCA, I became a so-called Cyber-Warrior where I help promote Cyber Awareness along with my fellow clubmates.

Secondary Education

In 2015-2018, I was in Zhenghua Secondary School during my Secondary School years.
I joined the school's Symphonic Band where my interest in Music grew massively. During my Secondary School years, I actively took part in numerous school events such as Sports Day, National Day Parade and my school talent show, ZEST. In the course of 4 years, I achieved Silver in the National Band Competition and Distinction in Singapore Youth Festival, both under my CCA. Despite not able to join the Information Technology Club in secondary school like my primary school, I joined two IT events organised by my school that helps my interest in IT to stay, Hackathon organised by Google and my school's Advanced Elective Module of 3D Animation organised by Republic Polytechnic.

Tertiary Education

I am currently at Singapore Polytechnic as of 2019 at Diploma of Information Technology, School Of Computing (SoC). My current CCA is SPGuitarist and I am from full time class 1A/03